Due to inclement weather, Munson is closed on Sunday, Feb. 16, 2025.



Support the Arts through Volunteering

As a Munson volunteer, you participate directly and personally in the success of our programs. The wide range of volunteer opportunities allows you to choose an area where you can contribute your talents or learn a new skill. Whether you’re interested in learning about art history, working with children, public speaking, or even gardening, you can help enrich the Munson experience. For more information, contact Volunteer Coordinator, Nona Case, at 315-797-0000, ext. 0.

Available Positions

  • Docents: Munson Museum of Art Docents learn all about the permanent collection and special exhibitions, leading engaging tours that stimulate visitors’ minds. 

  • Ushers: Ushers are instrumental to the Performing Arts program. As an usher, you could greet patrons, take tickets at Film Series showings, and work in-house performing arts events.

  • Greeters: During popular high-traffic events, volunteer greeters welcome patrons, provide directions, and answer questions.

  • Children’s Activities: Many of our children’s programs can use helping hands with creating craft projects and playing games.

  • Museum Shop: Museum Shop volunteers assist Munson staff with sales, arranging merchandise, and interacting with customers. 

  • Gardening: Gardening volunteers help maintain the beautiful Munson campus perennial gardens.

  • Office/Clerical: Experience the inner workings of the institute by volunteering in an office, where you will assist in simple clerical tasks or research projects.

  • Special Events: Several times throughout the year, Munson requires volunteers for large, campus-wide events like the Arts Festival. These positions assist staff with a range of activities that usually involve working with the public.

If you are interested in becoming a volunteer you can apply online just follow the links to either becoming a Docent or any of the other Volunteer positions.