with Yulia Levkovich | All Levels | 18 +
Beginners and experienced painters delve into portrait painting by working from a live model, learning basic drawing techniques for a preparatory sketch, and essential transferring techniques. Explore a classical oil painting approach and complete finished portrait paintings. Required materials list provided.
Thursdays, 1–4 p.m.
Jan. 30–April 24 (no class March 20)
12 classes | 36 contact hours
Location: 503 William Street, Studio Building, Upper Level, Room 340
+ CAMPUS MAP: View the College of Art and Design Campus Map >
+ QUESTIONS?: Email communityclasses@munson.art or call (315) 797-8260.
Meet your instructor, Yulia!
YULIA LEVKOVICH is an award-winning representational painter. She trained at the Academy of Realist Art, received her BFA from OCAD University, Toronto, and her MFA from the New York Academy of Art, Manhattan. Yulia has taught at several institutions including the Metropolitan Museum of Art. ylevcovich@prattmunson.edu | yulialevkovich.net